- Planning to visit Russia?
Best American Travel is full service travel agency based in New York.
We are specializing in travel to Russia and everything that related to travel to Russia.
We can easily help you to obtain different categories of Visas to Russia based on the purpose of the trip and it’s duration in Russia.
Russian Visa may not be obtained on the border prior to entry!
We recommend you to start apply for Russian Visa as soon as your dates of trip to Russia cleared.
In accordance with the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States of America on the simplification of visa formalities for nationals of the Russian Federation and nationals of the United States of America effective September 9, 2012 the US citizens shall as a rule be issued multiple-entry business, private, and tourist visas which are valid for up to three(3) years (36 months) from the date of issue of the visa.
How much Russian Visa costs? – $350.00
Price includes Russian Consulate and service fees but do not include return shipping.
Add additional $20.00 for priority mail service (2-3 days) or $ 40.00 for overnight mail service
How long does it take to get Russian Visa? 3-4 weeks from the moment we’ve received your documents
Where should mail my documents to process Russian Visa?
All documents & payment (check or money order payable to Best American Travel must be mailed to our office at:
161 Brighton 11th St, Suite 3
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Please send all your documents by certified mail. We recommend you to use Fed Ex or UPS.
We are not responsible for any losses or damages of your documents during the mail delivery.
What are the requirements for Russian visa? The following documents must be submitted in order to obtain Russian Visa regardless of its category and validity:
PASSPORT – Valid passport for at least 6 months beyond stay, and with at least one blank visa page.
Passport not signed by the holder WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED by Russian Consulate.
ONLINE APPLICATION- US CITIZENS must complete and sign New Electronic Russian Visa applications for US citizen (click here).
All questions in the Russian Visa application form must be answered. Failure to complete all required fields in the form may delay the processing of your Russian Visa. Save your login & password. You’ll have an option to log in & edit your application later.
PHOTO – 1 (one) recent pictures (passport size). Digital, non-passport style & home made photos are not acceptable. 2 (two) for 1 or 3 year multiple
PAYMENT – Check or money order in the amount specified below, depending on processing time plus shipping expenses ( $20.00 priority service or $ 35.00 overnight service)
ADDITIONAL – If applying for child under 18 y.o., please submit child’s copy of a birth certificate, copies of parents passport (face page)
Applications can not be submitted sooner than 3 months prior to the entry date to Russia.
NON-US CITIZENS must completed and signed New Electronic Russian Visa application for non-US citizens & provide proof of legality of their stay in the USA (US Resident Alien status, form I-94, Working Visa, etc.) when applying for a visa.
It is a must to have medical insurance coverage valid in Russia for citizens of the following countries: Austria, Estonia, Lithuania, Israel, Iceland, Czech Republic, Finland, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway,Portugal and Spain. Call us to get updated information regarding travel insurance plans that are accepted by Russian Consulate.
Applicants – former citizens of USSR or Russian Federation, who emigrated from the USSR or from Russia in addition must submit one of the following documents to confirm that they are no longer citizens of Russian Federation:
– so called “Visa to Israel”
– stamp in passport saying that this citizen left for “permanent residence abroad” before the February 6, 1992
– official document certifying that Russian citizenship was renouncedПри подаче документов на визу необходимо предоставить один из документов, подтверждающий отсутствие у заявителя на настоящий момент российского гражданства (копия выездной визы СССР, копия заграничного паспорта СССР или паспорта государства СНГ, с которым вы выезжали, копия свидетельства о натурализации США до 1997 года, иной документ). В соответствии с действующим российским законодательством российские визы гражданам России в том числе, имеющим просроченные российские загранпаспорта, не оформляются. Напоминаем, что в соответствии со статьей 12 Закона Российской Федерации “О гражданстве Российской Федерации” дети, рожденные у двух граждан России, независимо от места рождения, автоматически являются гражданами России. В этой связи российские визы таким детям не оформляются, им необходимо зарегистрировать наличие российского гражданства, вписать их данные в российский заграничный паспорт одного из родителей или оформить отдельный паспорт.
The Consulate also has the rights to request, if needed
– a bank statement from the applicant;
– a statement from the employer regarding the applicant’s wages for the preceding year/ half year, or month;
– medical insurance valid in the country to be visited and fully covering the period of the first trip;
– documents regarding the applicant’s ownership of property in the country of his citizenship;
– a certificate on the makeup of the applicant’s family.
Russian Consulate notice:
In accordance with the International Law, the Russian Consulate reserves the right to consider Russian Visa applications in certain cases as long as it feels necessary. Russian Consulate may request additional detailed information about your journey in Russia.
Russian Visa can be denied if the Russian Consulate has serious reasons to believe that an applicant’s entry into or stay in Russian Federation will not be desirable. In this case all Russian Visa fees are non-refundable. Russian Consulate reserves the right to call the applicants for an interview and ask questions on personal, financial, business and corporate related issues as well as on applicants’s Russian contacts and relatives.